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fonCan you imagine yourself  walking around your neighborhood or downtown  being always connected to the same WIFI connection?

FON was born with an objective in mind, creating a global WiFi community to provide users with free internet access trough others  users’ spots all around the world, and provide with paid access to third parties sharing earnings among the company and the user that offers the internet connection. At the moment of this post there are more than 12 million spots worldwide available.

How it works.

A Fon spot  consists of two WiFi signals, a private one for you and another that will be shared between the members and all those who want to access it. This network allows you to safely share your WiFi connection and in exchange they can share it with you.  Every Fon Spots creates one  distributed open network  to which everyone that contributes can connect safely.

To install a Fon Spot you will only need   a broadband connection and a Fon router, which works with every broadband all around the world and the Fon function is pre installed in the router. But to use the service you need to buy a Fon Pass though.

The future.

Now with the new cars working also as spots, probably any time soon, all will be able to be permanently connected to Internet through a global WiFi.